Our primary business is the Marketing and Distribution of handmade premium cigars Manufactured out of Nicaragua. The company strategically imports and distributes Premium cigar brands and private label brands to cigar lounges, smoke shops, C-stores and vape shops across the United States and International Markets. In addition distributes packaged whole leaf Tobacco to other wholesale distributors of consumer tobacco products.
15800 Pines Blvd Suite# 3200 Pembroke Pines FL 33027 United States Del Semáforo del Parque Central 1 Cuadra al Norte, Edificio Esquinero, Esteli. Nicaragua +1 (800) 303-6268 [email protected] COMPANY NEWS The Company is pleased to update its shareholders and the investment community. Subscribe to our latest news. SUBSCRIBE THE BRANDS CUBANACANCIGARS.COM TABACALERASERRANO.COM QUICK LINKS Vision and strategy Management Governance Annual Report 2020 Company Profile Brouchure 2021 GET IN TOUCH Contact us Media Contact Image and Video Gallery Facebook Twitter Youtube Reddit CONFIRM YOUR AGE To view this website, you must be more than 21 years old. I confirm that I am 21 years or older PROCEED TO WEBSITE